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Ethiopian Malaria Indicator Survey 2011

May,2018 - Jun,2018

The 2011 Ethiopia MIS was conducted to measure progress toward achieving the goals and targets set in the Ethiopia National Strategic Plan for Malaria Prevention and Control 2005–2010....


National Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey, 2011

Jun,2010 - Mar,2011

To determine the prevalence of pulmonary TB among the general adult population aged >=15 years...


Trend analysis of hospital admissions, outpatient consultations and; both hospital and community based mortality related to HIV, TB and Malaria in Ethiopia, 2016

Dec,2001 - Apr,2015

A survey in order to assess the trends in hospital admissions, outpatient consultations and mortalities related to HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria in selected hospitals in Ethiopia....


Post universal campaign survey for long-lasting insecticidal net coverage and use in Ethiopia, Household data,2017

Jan,2017 - Mar,2017

This dataset is generated by the Malaria Indicator Survey conducted in Ethiopia with the aim of measuring the post universal campaign LLIN ownership and utilization across the different regions. This ...


Post universal campaign survey for long-lasting insecticidal net coverage and use in Ethiopia, Householdmember data,2017

Jan,2017 - Mar,2017

This dataset is generated by the Malaria Indicator Survey conducted in Ethiopia with the aim of measuring the post universal campaign LLIN ownership and utilization across the different regions. It ca...


Post universal campaign survey for long-lasting insecticidal net coverage and use in Ethiopia, Net data,2017

Jan,2017 - Mar,2017

This dataset is generated by the Malaria Indicator Survey conducted in Ethiopia with the aim of measuring the post universal campaign LLIN ownership and utilization across the different regions. This ...


Bottled water Biological analysis 2008-2015

Jan,1800 - Jan,1900

The description is not available for the dataset file"bottled water Biological anlaysis 2008-2015.xlsx"...


Assessing quality of drinking water through bacteriological (Coli)

Jan,1800 - Jan,1900

The description is not available for the dataset file"Drinking water coli resu.xlsx  last original modified.xlsx" but soon updated...


Innovation Phase Impact Evaluation in selected Seqota Declaration Woredas: Baseline Household Survey, 2018

Feb,2018 - Apr,2018

This dataset captures information on the nutritional status of infants and young children, household-level food access/food security status, coverage of priority household-level interventions (nutriti...


Related searches | | prevalence of TB; bacteriologically confirmed TB; sputum smear positive TB; population-based survey| | | | | cross-sectional survey| Malaria| Indoor Residual Spray| Malaria Prevention| Malaria Intervention| long lasting insecticide treated net| Ethiopia| | | | Baseline survey| Infants and young children| Exclusive Breastfeeding| Complementary Feeding| Diet of pregnant and lactating women| Hand washing| Agriculture| Secota Declaration plan| child under-nutrition| woredas| Ethiopia|