Health Workforce Category in 13 regions and university's in Ethiopia

Id EPHI-DS0547
Name Health Workforce Category in 13 regions and university's in Ethiopia
Format .xlsx
Coverage Location National
Coverage Sex Both

The dataset pertains to the compilation of national health workforce data in Ethiopia in 2015/2023…. by categorizing Occupation/Profession of staffs at national level and by each 13 regions including Addis Ababa, Federal Agency, Federal hospital, MOH  and university within specific regions. It categorizes staff numbers by sex and by the owner (private and public health care organizations)…..Furthermore the data characterize them based on specialties such as Prosthetic-Orthotic, Midwifery, Health Extension/Family Health, Public Health, and various other MSc and BSc professional roles including Paramedics, Emergency Medical, Radiology, Anaesthesia, Nursing, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Environmental & Occupational Health, Health Information Technology, Physiotherapy, Medical Laboratory, Sub-Specialists, and Supportive/Administrative Staff. And also the data reveal the Proportion of Female Health Workforce.

Additional Material No
  • Health Workforce
  • 13 regions
  • university's
  • Ethiopia
Recommended No
Cleaned No
Cleaned Format . csdb
RawFormat .xlsx
Date Data Collection Started 2023-01-05
Date Data Collection End 2023-12-05
Title Health Workforce Category in 13 regions and university's in Ethiopia
Data Type Survey
PublicationYear 2000

The dataset pertains to the compilation of national health workforce data in Ethiopia in 2015/2023…. by categorizing Occupation/Profession of staffs at national level and by each 13 regions including Addis Ababa, Federal Agency, Federal hospital, MOH  and university within specific regions. It categorizes staff numbers by sex and by the owner (private and public health care organizations)…..Furthermore the data characterize them based on specialties such as Prosthetic-Orthotic, Midwifery, Health Extension/Family Health, Public Health, and various other MSc and BSc professional roles including Paramedics, Emergency Medical, Radiology, Anaesthesia, Nursing, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Environmental & Occupational Health, Health Information Technology, Physiotherapy, Medical Laboratory, Sub-Specialists, and Supportive/Administrative Staff. And also the data reveal the Proportion of Female Health Workforce.

Dataset study design Cross-sectional survey
Date Data Archived 2024-03-05
Date Data Cataloged 2024-04-05
Data Generating Unit MOH
URL https://rtds.ephi.gov.et/public/showdetail/547


Open Access